A Word of Encouragement and Resolve

Dear Henderson Chapel Family,

Life can change in a moment. At this moment of uncertainty and concern, I bring you a word of encouragement and resolve.

Amid quickly developing events surrounding coronavirus/COVID-19 concerns, I wish to remind you that your well-being, including your health and safety, is of utmost importance to us. In the face of increasing apprehensions and anxiety, we are reminded that God’s wisdom and strength call us to “be not afraid.”

Baptism has raised us into new life in Christ – a life which participates in Christ’s ongoing care for the world that God so deeply loves.

As followers of Christ, each of us is a Christian leader with circles of influence that are ripe with opportunities to display the fruits of the Holy Spirit reflected in particular practices and relationships. My prayers are with you in your witness.

Let’s hold in our hearts those who are already impacted by this current pandemic, and those who are potentially impacted as well. Pray for them as you would want others to pray for you…

Regardless of the current circumstances we might be facing, we should all take precautionary measures to contain the distribution of COVID-19 and ensure we do not spread the infection among the communities in which we live and serve.

There are Christian motivations for doing our part to prevent our medical systems from becoming overwhelmed. We can regard social distancing practices (e.g., not shaking hands, hugging, avoiding large crowds, communicating virtually) as expressions of Christian care for the most vulnerable among us, and as acts of loving support for medical professionals who have a direct vocation to care for the sick.

I invite you to join me in these practices, and in affirming the Christian motivation undergirding them all. For we are “… the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” (1 Corinthians 12:27, NIV)

More Grace.
Rev. Demetrius A. Greer, M.Div. ~ Pastor 

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Hello Everyone!

Stay safe from the virus!!!! More Grace. Rev. Demetrius A. Greer, M.Div. ~ Pastor 



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